“Living Heaven on Earth : Oysa Isik Hep Vardir” / Seninle Magazine
“You must read it: Oysa İsik Hep Vardir / ELELE Magazine”
“Why did we come to Earth : Oysa Isik Hep Vardir / ELLE Magazine”
“What to read, listen to and watch this month : Oysa Isik Hep Vardir “/ Formsante Magazine
Life Dipnot: Oysa Isik Hep Vardir / Istanbul Life Magazine
“Before This Weekend Ends: Learn” / Hurriyet Gazetesi
News about my recent book “LIGHT ALWAYS EXISTS” on CNN Turk
Executives are trying to be purified of negative emotions
Happiness is on your finger tips
How did I go back to my past lives
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